
Opening of the Panama Canal englargement

admin 5 October, 2016 2021 Views 0 Comments Sin categoría

The first activity of the Panamá Canal was the crossing of a Chinese Ship, which paid USD 586.000 on tolls and took almost 10 hours to cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, a total of 77 kilometers.

The refurbishment lasted 9 years and represented an investment of USD 5250 million. These new interoceanic locks will help the passing of big merchants’ ships from all over the world.

‘Even though there will be a great impact due to Brexit, this won’t affect the operations of the Canal’ said in an interview the Minister of Foreign Maritime Affairs, Jorge Barakat Pitty.

Today more than 144 maritime routes use the canal. It connects 160 countries and 1700 ports around the world. ‘This enlargement allows to double the maritime capacity in the same space and time’, said Barakat.